After World War Two, the Allies prosecuted the leaders of Nazi Germany, in the Nuremberg Trials. These proceedings found 19 of the 24 defendants guilty of various crimes. In the Far East, the Allies prosecuted the leaders of Imperial Japan, in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. These proceedings found 25 of the 28 defendants guilty of various crimes.
What most people don't know; the Allies also prosecuted thousands of other people for their actions during the regimes of Adolf Hitler and Michinomiya Hirohito, some for ...
Mass Murder
On March 25, 2020, Andrew Cuomo ordered nursing homes in the State of New York to accept possible CCP-Virus (COVID-19) patients. Later in the year, Mr. Cuomo had the order removed from the state's website, denying the people of New York transparency of its elected officials and government. Later, the Governor tried to shift blame for requiring nursing homes to accept CCP-Virus patients from hospitals. Governor Cuomo's actions may have caused over 12,000 deaths.
With executive order 22020-50, Gretchen Whitmer ordered nursing homes in the State of Michigan to accept possible CCP-Virus (COVID-19) patients. On May 13, 2020, Ms. Whitmer extended that order. Governor Whitmer's orders may have caused over 11,000 deaths.
On March 31, 2020, Phillip Murphy issued a similar order in the State of New Jersey. This order may have resulted in the death of over 7,500 people.
Like the other three, Governor Thomas Wolf issued an order requiring nursing homes to accept possible CCP-Virus (COVID-19) infected people into long-term care facilities. Mr. Wolf's orders may have resulted in the deaths of over 12,000 people.
All totaled, these four people may be responsible for the deaths of over 40,000 people!!!
Additionally, ...
Since these Governors probably talked about their actions, Governors Wolf, Murphy, Whitmer, and Cuomo may also be guilty of conspiring to commit mass murder.
On February 16, 2021, the President* of these United States condoned genocide by the People's Republic of China in a statement made at a town hall meeting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
President* of these United States Joesph Biden |
On February 17, 2021, the Vice-President* of these United States also supported genocide by the People's Republic of China by failing to call out the President* for his statements.
Vice-President* of these United States Kamala Harris |
Needless to say, ...
Here in these United States, anyone accused of a crime, including mass murder and supporting genocide, is innocent until proven guilty.
Politics and Survival
So, ... What does this have to do with you and your family?
First, understand there is a political party, in these United States, that is O.K. with killing you and your family; additionally, there is other political parties that are O.K. with not holding these people accountable for their actions.
Second, these United States have become instantly weaker, since Biden and Harris have occupied the offices of President and Vice-President, this show of weakness will embolden our adversaries to undermine and/or attack our allies, our friends, and possibly our homeland.
Third, this weakness and other policies may prevent these United States from responding to these attacks, allowing our adversaries to expand their power, turning our friends and allies against our country.
Lastly, besides having to provided appropriate shelter, water, and food for your family for disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, winter storms, underemployment and unemployment, you and your partner may need to provide protection for your family from nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, used against our overseas military bases and our homeland.
Benedict Arnold
Wikipedia - Nuremberg Trials
Wikipedia - International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Wikipedia - Nuremberg Military Tribunals
Wikipedia - Crimes Against Humanity
Forbes - DOJ Probing Whether Covid-19 Response In Four Blue States Led To Nursing Home Deaths
ABC News - DOJ seeks data on care home deaths in 4 Democrat-led states
Department of Justice - DoJ Requesting Data From Governors
of States that Issued COVID-19 Orders that May Have Resulted in Deaths
of Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Christianity Daily - Joe Biden Excuses China’s Uyghur Genocide As ‘Just A Chinese Cultural Norm’
Newsweek - Joe Biden's CNN Town Hall Transcript in Full—President on Trump, Vaccines and More