Friday, May 29, 2020

The Way Ahead: Post Pandemic

photograph by
Andrew Mercer

Over the course of the last few months, the Federal Reserve has pumped $4,000,000,000,000 of liquidity into the economy by buying assets, loaning money, and using other means, like, ... You and your family receiving a check for $1,200 to $4,400.

Needless to say, ...

Depending on the particular situation, that money went to shoring up a business' and a family's finances, purchasing needed supplies, and ... surviving the shutdown.

O.K., ...

Some of the money could have gone to paying out million dollar bonuses to the C.E.O.s and others, but that's not why I'm talking about it. I'm talking about ...

Deflation is simple; it is when money becomes more valuable.

In other words, you and your family are able to buy more with the same amount of money, like a buy one get one free sale.

While inflation is when your money becomes worth less . You and your family pay more for items, like a price increase.

Guess what?

You and your family are going to see inflation in the items you need for survival, while the items you and millions of other people don't need are going to see a decrease in the price.

Oooh, ....

Both will have an affect on your family's employment situation.

Think about it.

The businesses that aren't selling will offer discounts, like 0% financing. If people still aren't buying, the business will have to offer deep discounts, maybe BOGO-Free. If that doesn't work, sooner or later, the company fires people.

For businesses that are selling products, the reverse will be true, unless too many people are out of work then the businesses can't keep operating, so more people are out of work.

Which might lead to ...

Universal Basic Income is simple; the government sends you a set amount of money every two-weeks or so. Supposedly, every adult receives it.

Right now, .... The proposed amount hovers around $2,000 a month.

Guess what?

Who's going to work then? Especially for $10, $12, $15 an hour working in a factory canning food, packaging meat, processing orders for pick-up when they can sit at home playing video games.

So, ...

Businesses will have to raise wages, increasing cost for the company that will pass it on to you.

Oooh, ... Don't forget. Companies buy from other businesses that will have had to raise their prices, so prices will increase some more. Which will probably lead to ...

Price Controls
Admit it. If the government is going to bail everyone out, they are going to get involved again when families can't afford the basics, like food, shelter, medical care, and other critical supplies and services.

So, ... The government will set up a commission to cap prices, or they will provide you another check to supplement the one the government is already sending you and your family.

If they cap prices, businesses won't be able to recoup their costs, so they will stop producing those items. If the government sends you another check, there is going to be ...

Arrests, Prosecutions, and Imprisonments
Don't get me wrong. At first, the government is going to try and convince businesses not to raise prices. It might work or it might now.

But, ...

How do they convince you to do something you and your family don't want to do?

Of course, I have been wrong for over twenty years!!!

There have been no Wars, Famines, Epidemics, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Winter Storms, Work Place Accidents, Stints of Unemployment, Minor Medical Emergencies, and other events that affected anyone and their families.

People have been pointing out for many years the fragile nature of the World's economy, folks like Charles H. Smith at Of Two Minds  Blog, the shenanigans of people in government like James H. Kunstler at Clusterfuck Nation, and the manipulation of information by the Media like the various writers at Ace of Spades HQ, and many  others.

Affairs that are coming to the forefront, for you and your family.

So, ...

Pack an Emergency Evacuation Kit, Store a Two-Week Supply of Water, Gather a Supply of Food you and Your Family Normally Eat, and the other easy stuff because it's a rough road ahead.

Benedict Arnold

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

North Africa American Cemetery and Memorial
Tunis, Tunisia (ca 2007)
photograph by
Office of US Senator Ted Stevens

Decoration Day
The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict ever fought by these United States. In five short years, at battles such as Gettysburg, The Wilderness, Stones River, and many others, Soldiers died by the tens of thousands, while the conditions at P.O.W. camps, such as Elmira, New York, and Andersonville, Georgia, killed thousands through starvation and exposure. Death also stalked Soldiers, by ones and twos, during encampments, travel, and in accidents. Either way, these Soldiers on both sides of the conflict and the tens of thousands of Civilians were remembered by their surviving kin.

According to one source, Freedmen and Freedwomen of Charleston, South Caroline were the first to honor our fallen Soldiers, in 1865, with over 10,000 people participating in a parade, singing songs, and remembering their liberators, in a local event.

Over the years and throughout the country, communities and the Nation, at first, only recognized the fallen from the Civil War.

But, ...

As these United States took part in other conflicts, especially WW I, a National need was recognized to honor the fallen, so in 1971, Memorial Day became a Federal Holiday to be observed on May 30th. 

Memorial Day
Several years later, the date was changed to the last Monday in May to remember our fallen in service to the Nation, such as Maj. William J. Vinopal, Spc. Nicholas C. Panipinto, the Soldiers on Arrow Air-Flight 1285, Master Sgt. Michael B. Riley, SFC. Antonio Rey Rodriguez, and many others

So, ...

Put down your beers, put your arms around the people you love, lower your heads, and remember, ...

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
        In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
        In Flanders fields.

Link: - Q. How many soldiers died in the Civil War? -  Q. What happened to prisoners?

Civil War Talk - Civilian Deaths- Civil War - One of the Earliest Memorial Day Ceremonies Was Held by Freed Slaves

Air Force Times - The Real History of Memorial Day - Memorial Day

Poetry Foundation - John McCrae


Friday, May 15, 2020


Gunnery Sgt. Dragos Coca engages targets
during a desert survival and tactics course. (ca 2015)
photograph by
Sgt. Steve H. Lopez

The Basics
You have a defensive handgun for everyone in the family, with an appropriate holster. Next, you have an effective defensive rifle for everyone in the family, either an AR-15, AK-47, or an SKS rifle, with a cleaning kit. Next, you have an appropriate amount of ammunition for your defensive weapons, cleaning supplies, spare parts, and other items, like a sling.

Next, you have appropriate training, such as how to safely load and unload your weapons, situational awareness, immediate action drills, when to shoot and not to shoot, move tactically, and many other skills.

At the same time, you have moved to a neighborhood, county, state, or country where you and your family will be safe from economic violence, political violence, ethnic violence, and all the other types of violence that you would need to own a defensive handgun and rifle.

Well, ...

Body Armor
I apologize because I am going to disappoint you.

That's right, I am not going to talk about the stuff you and your family need to buy. I am going to write about the stuff to possibly avoid.

First, I want to to read this opinion piece.

Then, ...

Second, make sure you read the comments. (Ooops, I made a mistake. You will have to click on the blue bar that reads "View Entire Discussion (486 Comments)"

Next, ...

I watched some videos that I would like to share.

The first video is titled '.50 CAL VS BODY ARMOR??!?! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!'

The second video is titled 'Worlds First 50cal rated body Armor'

The third video is SCAM!!! Testing Their Crazy Cheap Chinese Body Armor...

I'm skeptical for several reasons.

First, ... How do the rounds, from the first two videos, compare to the M33 .50 caliber cartridge?

Next, ... What is the standard testing method used by the National Institute of Justice?

Lastly, ... The third video, the guy is shooting from a angle. How does that effect results?

Prepper: STTA - Firearms for Preppers, M16/AR15 series Rifle, Part Two

Prepper: STTA - Firearms for Preppers, AK-47 series Rifle

Prepper: STTA - Firearms for Preppers, SKS Rifle

Reddit: u/richardguy - A serious discussion on AR500 and steel body armor

Reddit: u/richardguy - A serious discussion on AR500 and steel body armor (comments)

YouTube: Jerry Miculek - .50 CAL VS BODY ARMOR??!?! YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!

YouTube: Edwin Sarkissian - Worlds First 50cal rated body Armor

YouTube: DemolitonRanch - SCAM!!! Testing Their Crazy Cheap Chinese Body Armor...

Friday, May 1, 2020


Florida House of Representatives
photograph by
Staff Photographer

As you know, these United States of America is sending almost every citizen a $1200 check. A check that they hope will pump money into the economy, so business will stay afloat long enough to get our country back to work.

Well, ...

Some of our elected Representatives want to do more to help our citizens and people that are here illegally.

That's right!!!

Democrats want to borrow money from us, our children, and our children's children, to pay $2,000 a month to every citizen over 16 years old, and other elected representatives want to include 24,000,000 illegal immigrants, until the country recovers.

So, ...

You and your family need to be planning for inflation, where money becomes worth less

Now, ... not everything is going to go up in price, like cars, vacations, and other stuff that isn't important to your family's survival.

But, ...

The stuff that you need to survive, productive land, water, food, firearms, medical supplies and ... will go up in price as more and more people chase a limited supply of these items.

There is two articles that I want you and your partner to read. The first is an easy one titled "Why Masks and Gloves Will - And Won't Ever - Work"

Be warned, the author seems to be full of himself, but it's good information, so bare with him.

The second is a longer read and an important one. It is titled "Mask, Respirators, and COVID-19"

This article goes in-depth about the type of masks that will protect you and your family for the next round of the CCP virus.

Five Months
That's right!!!

You and your family have about five months or less to get prepared for round two of the CCP virus when it comes back in September and October.


During the 1918 Flu Pandemic there were three waves of illness in this country. One, with the most deaths, started just as the flu season started, according to this article, "Advice to Preppers: Buy the Freaking Dip."

Needless to say, no one can predict the future, but we can make some inference about the future, by looking at the past

* Politicians will make some poor decisions

* Citizens will make some poor choices

* ...

And, ...

Watch this video to learn more about the "1918 Spanish Flu ..."

That's it for now.

Benedict Arnold


  Juneteenth Celebration at Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas (ca 1880) photograph by unknown   Finally, ... The Democrats recognize a maj...