Friday, May 1, 2020


Florida House of Representatives
photograph by
Staff Photographer

As you know, these United States of America is sending almost every citizen a $1200 check. A check that they hope will pump money into the economy, so business will stay afloat long enough to get our country back to work.

Well, ...

Some of our elected Representatives want to do more to help our citizens and people that are here illegally.

That's right!!!

Democrats want to borrow money from us, our children, and our children's children, to pay $2,000 a month to every citizen over 16 years old, and other elected representatives want to include 24,000,000 illegal immigrants, until the country recovers.

So, ...

You and your family need to be planning for inflation, where money becomes worth less

Now, ... not everything is going to go up in price, like cars, vacations, and other stuff that isn't important to your family's survival.

But, ...

The stuff that you need to survive, productive land, water, food, firearms, medical supplies and ... will go up in price as more and more people chase a limited supply of these items.

There is two articles that I want you and your partner to read. The first is an easy one titled "Why Masks and Gloves Will - And Won't Ever - Work"

Be warned, the author seems to be full of himself, but it's good information, so bare with him.

The second is a longer read and an important one. It is titled "Mask, Respirators, and COVID-19"

This article goes in-depth about the type of masks that will protect you and your family for the next round of the CCP virus.

Five Months
That's right!!!

You and your family have about five months or less to get prepared for round two of the CCP virus when it comes back in September and October.


During the 1918 Flu Pandemic there were three waves of illness in this country. One, with the most deaths, started just as the flu season started, according to this article, "Advice to Preppers: Buy the Freaking Dip."

Needless to say, no one can predict the future, but we can make some inference about the future, by looking at the past

* Politicians will make some poor decisions

* Citizens will make some poor choices

* ...

And, ...

Watch this video to learn more about the "1918 Spanish Flu ..."

That's it for now.

Benedict Arnold

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  Juneteenth Celebration at Emancipation Park in Houston, Texas (ca 1880) photograph by unknown   Finally, ... The Democrats recognize a maj...