Monday, April 12, 2021

Not So Fast

Mount Etna Erupting in 2013 
photograph provided by
Wead/Alamy Live News


You may have seen this article about a friendly reminder from ProGunFred, over at Bayou Renaissance Man or some other place. The friendly reminder deals with how the Communist Chinese have been selected to be the next world power, while the article from Bayou Renaissance Man lays out some of the international and national players in this effort.

Spoiler!!! Yes, President* Joe Biden, Vice-President* Kamala Harris, and the Democratic National Committee are involved, but that's not the point of the the friendly reminder from ProGunFred.

The point, at least to me, is:
First, quit your crying because you have work to do.
Second, your work is to determine how this is going to affect you and your family.
Third, you need to look at this situation in a medium and long-term view because it hasn't happened, yet.
And that's what I want to emphasize. It hasn't happened yet, and ...It might not happen.
Let me explain.
In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Germany is in a state of disarray. Communists are fighting Socialists while Nationalists are fighting Communists and Socialists. To say there was open-battle on the streets is an understatement.
Financially, the banks are going under leaving their depositors holding the bag then hyperinflation takes off destroying the economy, while millions are unemployed and families are starving.
Internationally Germany is being written off as a failed State.

Then, ...

This firebrand, everybody thought they could control, enters national politics and ascends to power. Power that he and his party use to turn Germany around in a matter of years.

He did so well; smart, intelligent people start advocating that we need to follow the miracle of National Socialism. Some even help the Nazis to implement their policies!

Then, ... Something happened.

People woke up?
The, so-called, elite realized they were being setup?
The Nazis overstepped their boundaries?

We got new leaders?

I don't know what it was, but I do know we would fight another war that would see millions of people killed by their governments and by their enemies.

And, ... Germany today?

Being overrun by an inferior people that they invited into their country.

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